Lokace: United States,
Imageries of summertime fly fishing moments. Enjoy all.
Kategorie: RůznéRich Schaaff
Lokace: Argentina,
Enjoy watching trout actively feed on nymphs, emergers, duns or spinners and you soak up the visual ...
Lokace: Slovinsko,
Obrázky z muškařského výletu do Slovinska.
Lokace: Norway,
Fotografie z muškaření v norské oblasti Finmark.
Lokace: United Kingdom,
Obrázky z lovu na francouzskou nymfu na tocích střední Anglie.
Lokace: Mexico,
Wait a minute; did you say trout fishing in Mexico? Wasn't Mexico a destination for saltwater and bass fishing?
Lokace: various,
Moments of joy ...being in harmonie with nature and loading the energy.
Lokace: United States,
Discover the Fly Fishing dreamworld of Rich....a Chapel impression.
Lokace: Argentina,
This is a collection of photos taken in Patagonia Argentina of the trips to enjoy my two passions, fishing and photography.
Lokace: Iceland,
Anyone that still has not had the chance to fish for brown trout on the volcanic area of Iceland is invited ...